Jayco Mattress Replacement - Review of New Memory Foam Mattress
Serta To Go 10" mattress:https://geni.us/JQfI
We bought our new Jayco Eagle 2021 29.5 BHDS in April 2021. We camped all of 2021, but then in January of this year we went to Disney World and stayed in Disney’s Fort Wilderness for a week. In that week, we finalized our opinion of the King sized Serta Mattress that came with our camper. The week of intense walking, then trying to rest in the 5th wheel clearly showed us that the mattress was close to worthless.
Based on this decision, we decided to get ourselves a new memory foam mattress for our camper. This was based on the fact that we have a Serta Memory foam mattress at home, which we love.
We searched on Amazon, and we were blown away by the choice of mattresses, we could get a 7", 8”, 9”, memory foam, hybrid, cooling foam, etcetera. It was definitely information overload, and we narrowed it down to price, and then we reviewed the reviews.
We considered many brands, but in the end we ended up getting a smaller Serta Mattress, that was close to our home mattress. The mattress we bought was this Serta To Go 10" mattress:https://geni.us/JQfI
We could have spent more, or less, but we stuck with what we knew. The choices seemed to be limitless..
This is the video of us opening the mattress in our Jayco. We will do a review of the mattress after we spend some time sleeping on it.